A better place
4 days ago
This is as much for my own benefit as for other people taking the same journey as I am, see title.
We appreciate you moderating the content in your
I've classified your account as "public"/"safe".
Please keep the Flickr Community Guidelines in mind when
moderating your images in the future.
I've been through all of my pictures and set the content level appropriately. There is absolutely no nudity or anything of that nature within my photos, I've set my default level to Moderate (Obviously this isn't an option currently as I'm unsafe) but have specifically assigned the Restricted category to a select few.
The majority of my photos are for friends only to view therefore not in the public domain, where they are posted in public groups they are certainly not out of place there and would not offend Uncle Bob (I think I've seen some pictures of him there).
I feel I am abiding by the Flickr Community Guidelines now however if this is not the case if you could give me some specific examples and explanations of why my pictures are inappropriate/unsafe that would be a great help.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards
Jenny Ford
Your COGIATI result value is: 70 Which means that you fall within the following category:So there you have it, I'm androgynous at least in my head. Not entirely surprising, I'm a Gemini after all - hehe.
What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially androgynous, both male and female at the same time, or possibly neither. In some cultures in history, you would be considered to be a third sex, independent of the polarities of masculine or feminine. Your gender issues are intrinsic to your construction, and you will most likely find your happiness playing with expressing both genders as you feel like it.
Suggestions For Action:
Your situation is a little tricky in our current society, but not tremendously so, depending on your geographic location.
The suggestions for your circumstance are not overly complicated.
- If you have any comfortability about your gender expression, some slight degree of counseling might well prove helpful. The primary goal would be to make it possible for you to enjoy your gender expressions free from any shame or embarrassment, and to resolve any remaining questions you might have.
- As an androgynous being, both genders, and both sexes are natural to your expression. Permanent polarization in either direction might bring significant unhappiness. It is not recommended that you go through a complete transsexual transformation. You might find a partial transformation of value, if you find yourself more attracted overall to the feminine. You are more likely a transgenderist, than a transsexual. It is recommended that you recognize that your gender issues are real, but that extreme action regarding them should be viewed with great caution.
- If you have not already, consider joining any of the thousands of groups devoted to gender play of various varieties. There is literally a world of friends to discover who share your interests. There are also publications, vacations, and activities that would expand your gender play.